The settlement for traditional act of tort liability has faced a series of defects in terms of spiritual infringement of tourism disputes. 针对旅游纠纷中的精神损害问题,适用传统的侵权责任解决已经面临一系列不足。
For legal aid for civil matters, the legal matter of claiming compensation by the blind, deaf, dumb, minors and senior people for an act of tort is listed in the legal aid scope. 在民事法律援助中,特别将盲、聋、哑、未成年人、老年人追索侵权赔偿的法律事项列为援助范围。
Research About Legislation For The Legal Application Of China's Foreign Act Of Tort A General Review of the Laws on Torts& A Contrast Between the Tort Laws of Ancient China and Roman 论我国涉外一般侵权行为法律适用的立法考量侵权行为纵横谈&中国古代法与罗马法之比较
The actor of tort of enviroment is a part of actors of enviroment, only they could be accused for the act of tort. 环境侵权行为人只是环境行为人中的一部分,只有他们才成为环境侵权的受控者。
From the third part, we know that joint act of tort should have the general constituent element of infringement, that is, unlawful act, injury fact, relationship between cause and effect, and subjective fault. 第三部分,从共同侵权行为应先具备一般侵权行为的构成要件这一立足点出发,首先研究了一般侵权行为的四个构成要件,即违法行为、损害事实、因果关系、主观过错。
The Legislative Choice of Tort Law about the Joint Act of Tort and its Liability 共同侵权行为及其责任的侵权责任法立法抉择
Because legislation of our country is lagged back and deficient and related theories about joint act of tort are not perfect, therefore, we should improve the level of research of joint act of tort theory. 由于目前我国立法上的滞后与不完善,以及共同侵权行为相关理论发展的不成熟,因此要加强对共同侵权行为理论的研究。
We should improve the awareness of the harm of act of tort to copyright on which editor secretly infringe, and pay attention to it ideologically, being on guard against it in making our principle and remedying it through other rel-evant measures. 我们应当提高对编辑隐性侵犯著作权行为的危害性的认识,从思想上重视、从制度上防范、从措施上补救,这样,我们的学报编辑事业才不会因为蚁穴而溃掉千里金堤。
This essay analyzes above issues and provides some reference opinions to improvements of civil law and related legislation of joint act of tort. 本文就此问题展开分析研究,以期为正在进行的民法典起草和相关的司法解释提供有益的参考意见,逐步完善我国关于共同侵权行为的相关立法。
Since the 19th century, fault responsibility has become the basic principle of the act of tort and the theory about the fault responsibility has also developed simultaneously. 19世纪以来,过错责任成为侵权行为法的基本归责原则,有关过错责任的理论也相应得到了发展。
This paper introduces the history and the legislative present situation of the joint act of tort in various countries and studies the criterion of liability of joint act of tort. 本文介绍了共同侵权行为的历史发展及各国立法现状,分析研究了共同侵权行为的归责原则。
The second part analyzes the extension and intension of joint act of tort concept. 第二部分,从共同侵权行为概念的外延和内涵两个方面分析。
At the preface part, the author discusses the complexity and diversity of joint act of tort including the subject diversity, and identification of behavior and effect, inseparability of liability. 在引言部分,文章从共同侵权行为主体的复数性、行为和结果的共同性以及责任的不可分性谈起,认识共同侵权行为本身的复杂性和多样性。
On the Civil Relief of the Marriage Inner Act of Tort 论婚内侵权行为的民事救济
The liability of certified public accountant is to infringe the right of the third person, the principle of dividing liability is presumption of fault and its constitutive requirements are act of tort, subjective fault, damage and causality. 注册会计师对第三人民事法律责任的性质是侵权,以过错推定为归责原则,以侵权行为、主观过错、损害及因果关系为构成要件。
On the History of Civil Liability System for the act of Tort 谈侵权行为民事责任制度的历史沿革
To judge whether the act of tort system is perfect and reasonable depends in the large scale on whether its principle of responsibility imputation system has been founded. 衡量一个国家的侵权行为法体系是否完整、合理,在很大程度上取决于其合理的归责原则体系是否建立。
A natural person's capability for civil liability refers to his capability to commit act of tort. 自然人的民事责任能力即自然人的侵权行为能力。
In practice, diverse styles, difficulty, numerous reconciliations and jurisdiction of act of tort are the four main features of copyright litigation because of the nature of copyright. 从实践中看,版权的特征决定了版权纠纷类型多,诉讼难度大,调解结案多,侵权行为地法院管辖等四大特点。
It should not apply to the responsible principle of civil law but the responsible principle of constitution that defining the responsible principle of the act of tort of constitution case. 所以,对这类案件中侵权行为的认定,不应当适用民法的归责原则,而应当适用宪法的归责标准。
Joint act of tort incurs joint and several liability based on the combination of joint offence and joint act. 共同侵权行为产生连带责任,其基础在于共同过错和共同行为的结合。
On the Liability to Pay Compensation of Act of Tort That Breaches Duty of Protecting Security 违反安全保障义务侵权行为的赔偿责任探析
Research on the Essence and Status of Act of Tort Causality in the Law of Torts 侵权行为法的本质和地位研究
Four theories have provided different explanations about the legal nature of culpa in contrahendo, which have been described as act of tort, act of law, statutory rule and honest credit principle. 关于缔约过失责任的法律性质大致有四种学说:侵权行为说、法律行为说、法律规定说、诚实信用原则说。
Perfect the act of tort liability and the related provisions of the civil procedure law. 并且完善《侵权责任法》及《民事诉讼法》的相关规定。
Tort liability is the result of act of tort, and response is the appeal of power. 侵权责任是侵权行为的结果,反应的是权利的诉求。
Copyright indirect infringement is an act of tort that the actor has no implementation of behavior of infracting intellectual property proprietary rights, but implementation of helping acts of infringement of proprietary rights, or abetting acts to lure others to infringe the proprietary rights. 著作权间接侵权行为是行为人没有实施受知识产权专有权利控制的行为,但却为他人实施侵害专有权利的行为提供帮助或者教唆、引诱他人实施侵害专有权利的行为。
The second part is the analysis and discussion of the act of tort which is against fetus 'interest. 第二部分对侵害胎儿利益的行为进行分析和探讨。
Current marital and family problems, China should maintain the stability of marriage starting, clear the act of tort liability. 针对目前的婚姻家庭问题,我国应从维护婚姻关系稳定的大局出发,明确该种行为的侵权责任。